Dear ANCD members:
Greetings and Happy Spring to You all! I just can’t believe we are finally in the spring month of May 2018. It seems just like yesterday when we were celebrating the new year. A new year that was taken over (or be clouded) by sadness and more sadness among the Nigerian community. In these few months of 2018, our Nigerian community suffered losses in Adewunmi family, the Essien family, The Nwude family, and now the Afam family. It is quite possible there are other losses of which I am not aware. May the souls of all the faithful-departed remain in perfect peace. May the good Lord in His infinite wisdom and power grant all surviving family members the fortitude to bear their losses. These losses doubtless and painfully remind us all that we are temporary visitors to this earth and that we will all take the long walk to eternity when our time comes.
———-Happy Mother’s Day ———–
In the time being however, we want to continue the task of living and taking the time to enjoy the little that we can lay our hands on. That brings us to this weekend celebration of Mother’s Day: On behalf of ANCD and all its members I send you a message of good will and best wishes to all our mothers. For those of you men, including myself, please make sure you celebrate the day with your wives by taking them to the movies and going to the best restaurants in town.
Before I forget, please come to the ANCD General Meeting on May 20, 2018, at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 63 Mountain View Avenue, Albany, NY 12205—the Street near Wendys Restaurant and Fuller Road on Central Avenue. The Essien Family will be hosting this meeting by providing food. Please come see what the First Lady (Ma Edo) has planned for you. There are many important issues to be attended to at this meeting. Please be ready to pay your membership dues, if you have not already done so. Remind your friends to come as well. Thank you!
Finally, our 2018 Picnic is set for June 23, 2018, at the River Road Park, Niskayuna, New York. All are requested to sign up to bring something to the Picnic. All Picnic Committee members will be at the meeting on May 20th to talk to you about details.
Bassey E. Essien, Ed.D.
ANCD President (518) 669-4574